Title: "New life, apart: Rare surgery to separate brothers conjoined at head"
Authors: Wayne Drash and Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Anias and Jadon McDonald were born conjoined at the head a little over a year ago. Their parents love them just the way they are, but would like for them to have a normal childhood, so they have decided to have them go through surgery to disconnect them. Coming to this conclusion was very difficult for them, they wondered if it was worth dis-conjoining them if it meant there was a possibility one, or both, of them would not make it out alive. Friends, family, and doctors have reassured them that they are making the right decision for their sons, so they went ahead and allowed the surgery early on Thursday morning. Once the boys come out of recovery they will have a long road ahead of the. They go back to acting like one month old, they have to relearn how to do everything from sitting, playing, and even sleeping on their own. They have endured the grueling ten hour surgery and are not in recovery.
The "E" I see in this piece is education. I cannot imagine having to go through what these people are. I hope everything works out for them and I wish them the best. This story is worth the read, so you guys should look it over. These boys are a miracle.
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