Title: "Mysterious tweet appears on woman’s Twitter account a day after she was murdered"
Published By: Cox Media Group National Content Desk
Just days after being released from jail for stalking someone, 30-year old Charles Dean Bryant was arrested for the murder of a 24-year old college student. Police found Jacqueline Vandagriff's dismembered body on Wednesday after fire-fighters extinguished a nearby fire. Bryant and Vandagriff were seen on a date the night of the murder and video evidence showed Bryant purchasing a shovel from a local Walmart. Perhaps the most peculiar thing with this story is the fact that the day after her death, Vandagriff supposedly tweeted "Never knew I could feel like this." Police are currently investigating the situation and looking more closely into Bryant's intent to do such a thing.
Honestly, I think the dude is just absolutely insane. I mean he took this poor girl out, dismembered her, then proceeded to wrap her in a child's pool then set it on fire. The E used in this piece is most definitely emotion and education. Beware of who you are going on a date with ladies (and guys) because you might just end up with a complete nut job, who might just be crazy enough to post a post-mortem status on your behalf.
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